Bulk Clinical Data Ingestion from EMR into Data Cloud

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Architecture Diagram


1Invoke Sync Request for a group.
2Start bulk job for a group in EMR via Generic FHIR client.
3Store the job status as 'New' in Status Object Store.
4Queue the job in Jobs object Store.
5Respond job id to the consumer.
6Dispatch job runs at the schedule time and picks all the queued jobs.
7Check status of the job in EMR via Generic FHIR client.
8Update the Job Status as 'Inprogress' in Status Object Store.
9Invoke ETL flow.
10Download ndjson from EMR via Generic FHIR client.
11Map ndjson to DataCloud format and write to temp folder (This step is skipped for Patient.ndjson (PHI - Person health Information)).
12Create Data cloud job using CDP connector.
13Upload to Data cloud job using CDP connector.
14Delete CSV in temp folder.
15Update Status Object Store with job summary.
16Close the job in Data cloud using CDP connector.
17Add Data cloud job id in DC Jobs Object Store.
18Data cloud job status check runs at the scheduled time gets jobs from Data cloud Job Object Store.
19Get Job status from Data Cloud using CDP connector.
20Update Job summary and status as 'Completed' in Status Object Store.


Published by
MuleSoft Organization
Published onJun 13, 2024
Asset overview
Industries CloudHealth
Custom fields

Asset versions for 1.0.x

Asset versions